tasty jam good sir. im not usually a fan of this kinda music but i can totally get down to this. usually songs like this get stale about half way through but you managed to keep it fresh the whole way.
tasty jam good sir. im not usually a fan of this kinda music but i can totally get down to this. usually songs like this get stale about half way through but you managed to keep it fresh the whole way.
I like to change things up in songs, I feel the same way about some tracks. Glad you liked it. :)
i was kinda skeptical till the three minute mark when it picked up and it really caught me off guard. good job but maybe make the first part a little shorter. i really enjoy how filthy that wub is though. we need more heavy toxic shit like this
Thanks man. I made the intro super long in an attempt to make it feel more like a progressive story. I will definitely shorten it when I do a remix.
its well made but its sooo short. i feel like you just stopped at the intro. but dont get me wrong i like the sound of it alot
Well Ideally this is the Soundtrack for a Video Game Trailer. This is the Finalized, Updated version of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtcNLQ hOKpo
That's why its so short, there simply isn't anything else to it. :D
screw crash overlord i do nothing but listen to dubstep all day and i say its freaking dubstep haha. this song kicks ass. i love the melody going with the bass you dont get many people getting this intricate with dubstep now so i appreciate the refreshing "outside the box" approach
Thanks man :D
I take my cues from Skrillex and Flux Pavillion. With my own twists of course haha.
its hella sick i just wish it was longer!!!
p.s. happy 4:20 =D
good =)
im not a fan of hardstyle so i could be wrong haha but the intro took forever!!! but after 0:55 its hella sick so i say i wanna see the full thing 4/5
Umm I guess your not, this whole 2 minutes is techniqucally the intro. Hardstyle then breaks down to the more melodic middle. XD and thanks :D the rest is gunna take me longer to do.
dark and deep
just how i like my dubstep my beats dark and my bass down low. this kicks ass
Thanks a ton!
Glad you like it, I'm just now getting the hang of dubstep so keep an eye out for some more tracks!
freaking sweet. im not into this kinda music. but this kicked ass. i just wished it went on longer.... then again it is a loop lol. happy thanks giving to you too
Thanks ^_^
I tried to make it longer, but I thought this was an okay length.
this sounds freaking professional and amazing! the vocals are clear but brutal as hell. the guitar is like a punch to the gut. and the drums go a hundred miles an hour. best metal song i have heard on newgrounds yet
Thanks a lot man! That means a lot to us. :)
making beats one at a time for the rap scene
Age 32, Male
Joined on 5/2/10